Highway Department

061421-IMG_3204-2With 21.8 miles of roadway, approximately one-hundred streets, and untold numbers of sewers and sidewalks, Maine Township’s unincorporated area is one of the largest unincorporated areas in the entire state. The Highway Department maintains the residential streets and public right-of-way in unincorporated Maine Township. This includes repair and construction of streets, storm sewers, sidewalks, curbs, and street signs. We are also responsible for snow removal, street sweeping, and street lighting. We work closely with residents, Homeowners Associations, the Township Code Enforcement Officer, Cook County Sheriff’s police and the Neighborhood Watch Program to eliminate graffiti, garbage, and abandoned cars from our streets and sidewalks. All this is done, on average, for roughly $30 per household. We actively pursue grants from the state and federal government to keep costs low for the local taxpayers.

If you would like to report any issues or concerns to the highway department, please fill out our Resident Request Form and select Highway Department from drop down menu.

Bid Opportunities

Interested companies can access a list of open bid opportunities.


To ensure the quality of work and to protect Township residents from liability for damage to township property, a Maine Township Road District Permit is needed for any construction in the unincorporated area that might affect the public right-of-way. The township requires a bond and a certificate of insurance from the contractor.

Snow Removal

The Highway Department is responsible for snow removal on all unincorporated residential streets. Our plows go out as soon as snow accumulation warrants removal, and when icy conditions call for salting streets. Please remember to adhere to the snow ban parking signs in your neighborhood. If possible, take advantage of off-street parking for more efficient snow removal. With your cooperation, our streets will be cleared in the least amount of time possible.

Tree Branch Pickup

The Highway Department offers free tree branch pick-up for residents of the unincorporated area. The service operates from April to September on the third Monday of each month.

Tree Trimming

Six months out of the year, the Highway Department crews trim trees on public right-of-ways in the unincorporated area. If you notice a tree interfering with electric lines or a streetlight outage, call the 24-hour ComEd number at 877-426-6331. If the vision of motorists is being impaired, please contact us at 847-297-5225 or highway@mainetown.com.

We Need Your Help

Improving the safety and overall appearance of our community is a cooperative effort between residents and government. Very positive changes occur when we work together. Please help us keep Maine Township a community to be proud of by reporting illegal dumping, street light outages, abandoned vehicles, potholes, broken or missing street signs, and dangerous curbs or sidewalks. Read more about the importance of protecting our storm sewers.

Stormwater Management Program Plan